American Theatre
Alexandra Aron, RTP's producing artistic director, wrote a full account that guides readers through Little Amal's adventurous 4-month journey from Turkey all the way to Manchester in 2021. This article has everything you want to know about how Little Amal started. READ ARTICLE
Brooklyn Magazine
"It was a gorgeous, if windy, day Friday when Little Amal arrived at Green-Wood Cemetery. Hundreds, if not a thousand, people waited to greet Amal as she paid her respects to the historic cemetery’s permanent residents." READ ARTICLE
Bridgey, an activist who attended Embrace the Tangle event in Lower East Side and Chinatown said in this interview, "Especially in the era of Trump, and a lot of the rhetoric that's thrown out there as far as immigrants and people who need to come to a safe place out of desperation, it's important for us to stand up and say, 'No, that's not how we feel.' " WATCH VIDEO

Chinese Press
Sing Tao New York News 星島紐約要聞 READ ARTICLE(CHINESE)
World Journal 世界新聞網 READ ARTICLE(CHINESE)

"...highlights the capacity performance has to engage with the public and empower communities to make their own art." READ ARTICLE

Portland Press Herald Feature
"This parade and the other events... celebrate the generosity and grace with which Portland has welcomed and adopted so many refugees..." READ ARTICLE
Amjambo Africa! Feature
“The festival was conceived as an act of solidarity with displaced young children and a way to show they are not forgotten.” READ ARTICLE
Yankee Magazine
"To those who encounter Little Amal along her journey, she is a work of profound
imagination, a dramatic depiction of a longing to find not only a mother, but also a place to belong. For the young singers of Pihcintu, there is no need to imagine this longing." READ ARTICLE
New York Times Feature
“…building a rocket is also a clear allegory for making art, for creating something so extraordinary that the whole world must notice.” READ ARTICLE
Washington Post Feature
"It’s a play with Palestinian and Israeli Muslim, Christian and Druze actors that — surprise — isn’t about the endless Middle East conflict." READ ARTICLE
The Guardian: The Best Melbourne International Arts Festival Picks, according to the artistic director

"A fabulous piece of Palestinian theatre, Grey Rock is an uplifting story about family, offering a glimpse into the lives of everyday people living under occupation. Fresh from its premiere in New York, Grey Rock is touching in its beauty, simplicity and heart." READ MORE
ABC Radio Interview, Australia LISTEN
Grey Rock is a must see for anyone who can identify with the desire to explore freely, to live fully, and to be a part of something important, and who is seeking a Palestinian perspective on the Israel-Palestinian conflict.
Broadway World Washington
English speakers or no, these actors will match anything you can see on stage. DC Theatre Scene

...the Palestinian hero of “Grey Rock,” is …. a gentle martyr of the imagination.”
The focus is deliberately shifted from victimization to perseverance, as the ordinariness, and occasional extraordinariness, of daily life continues no matter the circumstance. New York Times
Grey Rock forces its audience to face the big questions and leaves them enamored with the hope of its characters.... It changed my world ... run, don't walk, to see it. It might just change your world too.
Broadway World Minneapolis
Completely charming and even ravishing…..I urge you to go if you get a chance.
this play is so successful on an intimate scale that it transcends politics and explains them, too. MondoWeiss

Grey Rock cast delivers a compelling, emotionally relevant, and uniquely Palestinian story. Broad Street Review
The limitations of the human intellect—and the human spirit—are put to the test in Grey Rock... It’s a family comedy, actually one of the funniest I’ve seen in a while. Slant Magazine
In their commission of Grey Rock, they (Remote Theater Project) have certainly lived up to their vision. Broadway World Australia